Management & Governance
ICTU was established as a foundation in 2001 to support governments in the use of ICT by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the VNG.
ICTU translates government policy into concrete projects, services and products.
- Eelko van Leeuwen, Director/General Director
- Wiepke Maljers, Director Consultancy
- Hans Verweij, Director Projects
- Anja Smorenburg, Director of Operations
- Karin van den Berg, Board Secretary
Supervisory Board
- On behalf of the State of the Netherlands: Ms. N.A. Vermeulen (chair Supervisory Board of ICTU, chair remuneration committee, current position: Business Director Customized Solutions Nyenrode)
- On behalf of the State of the Netherlands: Ms. J.M.A. van Haren (current position: Toezichthouder De Geschillencommissie and Stichting Corridor)
- On behalf of the Unie van Waterschappen: Mr M.J. Kuipers (member audit committee, current position: Secretaris-Directeur Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier)
- On behalf of the Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten: Mr N. Ducastel (member remuneration committee, current position: Directeur-bestuurder VNG Realisatie/VNG Naleving and Directeur VNG Beleid – Informatiesamenleving)
- On behalf of the Interprovinciaal Overleg: Mr J.C. van Ginkel (chair audit committee, current position: plaatsvervangend provinciesecretaris/algemeen directeur)
Meeting of Affiliated Government Organizations
- On behalf of the State of the Netherlands: Ms. E. Heijblom (chair Vergadering van Aangesloten Overheidsorganisaties, current position: directeur-generaal Digitalisering en Overheidsorganisatie BZK)
- On behalf of the Unie van Waterschappen: Ms. M. Krug (current position: management UvW)
- On behalf of the Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten: Mr. L. Geluk (current position: Algemeen Directeur VNG)
- Namens het IPO: Ms. P. Young (current position: MT-lid IPO)